TRIZ: A systematic innovative approach for problem solving

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Triz is made up of a number of tools for creative thinking based on the study of vast volume of patented invention.The core output of the study of patents was a significant creative solution involves solving a contradiction.

What is the target?

To strength our abilities in problem diagnose and solving with TRIZ methodology

Who should attend?

Anyone who want to learn TRIZ and a methodology to help us to diagnose our problem and its’ possible solution.

Course Outline: . . . → Read More: TRIZ: A systematic innovative approach for problem solving`

Free Webinar | Corporate Governance in Practice: How does it affect the value of a company & Uplife Operational Excellence for Better ROI




Corporate governance impacts organisation’s profit and value both directly and indirectly to a large extent. A strong and effective corporate governance framework is needed to build trust and predictability. Many researchers have identified the existence of a “corporate governance premium” ( an additional price that investors will pay for shares in well-governed companies), it is a consideration in the ESG requirements (Environmental, Social, Governance) of fund and investors across the world. So, we will discuss about how would a company value affect by good corporate governance in the webinar. & We will also introduce the latest development of Lean Six Sigma and describe the latest integrated approach for Continuous Improvement with the benefits of explore hidden capacity, shorten cycle time, lowering inventory level, enhance cash flow and increase rate of on-time delivery.


. . . → Read More: Free Webinar | Corporate Governance in Practice: How does it affect the value of a company & Uplife Operational Excellence for Better ROI

Free Seminars Schedule

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Free Online Workshop | Using MS Excel and RPA automatically sending messages in WhatsApp

No doubt, we all use WhatsApp every day.

Sending messages to a group of customers or friends without errors is a challenging job for us now.

In the workshop , Alex will teach us a best solution by using MS excel and RPA to make us easy automatically sending messages.

Date: 21 January 2021 ( Thursday) Time: 21:00 – 21:45 (Workshop) 21:45 – 22:00 (Q & A)

淺談企業價值 Quick Insight to Business Valuation

免費講座: 淺談企業價值

日期:2020年8月17日 (星期一) 時間:下午6時至下午7時 講題:淺談企業價值 地址:線上講座 (Webex) 講者:Mr. David Chan (FCCA, CPA, ACS, CGP, FHKRFP, Ass HKIRA, Ass HKINEDA) 備註:廣東話演講,輔以英語材料 費用:免費


是次在線講座會與大家探討一些評估企業價值(Business Valuation)的不同方法。為甚麼企業負責人、潛在買家、銀行家、分析員等角色都需要去評估企業的價值 ﹖而每個評估企業價值的方法有甚麼好處和壞處 ﹖評估人會否在現實中為了討好利害關係人(Stakeholder)而操縱評估企業價值的結果呢 ﹖講者Mr. David Chan會在是此講座為大家解答這些問題。

. . . → Read More: 淺談企業價值 Quick Insight to Business Valuation