People Analytics made simple for HR, People Operations and Six Sigma Projects

Today after the outbreaks of Covid-19 pandemic, human resource (HR) leaders and operations managers are required to lead the organizations in digital transformation for business growth. According to survey of Payscale in Hong Kong, the average basic annual salary of a Analytics Manager is HK$638,713. In 2019, a study of myHRfuture revealed that 28% of respondents rated “people analytics” as the most-wanted competency.

Managers in people operations need to examine staff data and conduct simple surveys to derive insights and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives. However, they cannot solely depend on expensive consultancy or the busy in-house data analysts to perform these simple tasks for them. Managers equipped with Self-service People Analytics skills can help themselves to tackle this pain point without external assistance and within limited time and resources.  

Today after the outbreaks of Covid-19 pandemic, human resource (HR) leaders and operations managers are required to lead the organizations in digital transformation for business growth. According to survey of Payscale in Hong Kong, the average basic annual salary of a Analytics Manager is HK$638,713. In 2019, a study of myHRfuture revealed that 28% of respondents rated “people analytics” as the most-wanted competency.

Managers in people operations need to examine staff data and conduct simple surveys to derive insights and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives. However, they cannot solely depend on expensive consultancy or the busy in-house data analysts to perform these simple tasks for them. Managers equipped with Self-service People Analytics skills can help themselves to tackle this pain point without external assistance and within limited time and resources.  

. . . → Read More: People Analytics made simple for HR, People Operations and Six Sigma Projects

Introduction to the New Lean Management Approach




作為世界認可一流管理模式,精益管理(Lean Management)方法多年來不斷被改善,並已被不少大型企業套用以達致改善績效和滿足客戶需求。精益強調消除或減少工作流程上的未能為創造顧客價值作出貢獻的開支和浪費,把浪費最少化以達致顧客價值最大化,最新的精益改善方法能透過完善工作流程來發掘潛在產能,迅速為企業全面優化營運,為管理的發展作堅實基礎,亦能有效改善與供應商及顧客的關係。


講題:Introduction the New Lean Management Approach講者:陳旭球博士備註:廣東話演講(輔以英語)費用:免費

講座內容 精益(Lean Management)簡介精益(Lean Management)之最新發展趨勢案例分享精益(Lean Management)專才的優勢精益專才的發展前景精益專才的進修途徑Q & A環節 日期: 2023年 3月 18日 (星期六) 2023年 6月 24日 (星期六) 2023年 9月 23日 (星期六)


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Free Webinar | 管理創新 - 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展(2022)

Lean Six Sigma FREE Seminar to introduce Six Sigma and Lean . . . → Read More: Free Webinar | 管理創新 – 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展


講題:精益六式碼專才的進修之路與發展前景 軟件網上參加 講者:陳旭球博士 備註:廣東話演講(輔以英語) 費用:免費

Free Webinar | The Innovative Project Management Techniques創新項目管理技術


The Objective of the free seminar is to share and transfer knowledge regarding a new and proven breakthrough project management technique, Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM).

Experience from leading companies all over the world indicates that successfully implementation of CCPM will result in enhancing the companies’ productivity and competitiveness.

Who Should Attend

Project managers, resources managers, engineers, IT Professionals. Executives responsible for projects and major tasks

Date: 15 APR 2023[Sat]13 MAY 2023[Sat]10 JUN 2023[Sat]

. . . → Read More: Free Webinar | The Innovative Project Management Techniques創新項目管理技術