
Six Sigma Institute (SSI) is the only training and registration organization in Hong Kong whose Black Belt and Green Belt qualifications have been mutually recognized by the China Association for Quality (C.A.Q.). Since 2009, SSI’s RSSBB / RLSBB  (Life Type) can apply to be CAQ’s Certified Black Belt.

Please CLICK HERE to download CAQ’s Six Sigma Black Belt Registration Application Form.

Application Flow﹕

2024年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認黑帶名單姓 名互認證書編號冯小琴CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400012刘义强CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400026刘怡宁CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400034唐毅斌CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400048李旭CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400056郝明星 CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400064郭长顺CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400079陳昊CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400083黃家樂CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400097葉暉CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400108余珮司CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400113周文亭CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400121黄佩賢CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400135鄧世濠CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400142陳勵懿CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2400158 2023年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認黑帶名單姓 名互認證書編號陳劍青CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230002霍浩強CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230003胡學深CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230004許霆軒CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230005鄧浩峰CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230006 張徑瑚 CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-230007 2022年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認黑帶名單姓 名互認證書編號陳旭球CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-001陳文王CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-002陳耀榮CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-003林建新CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-004李卓威CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-005林永健CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-006潘葶CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-007梁兆文CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-008李寶成CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-009郭淼泉CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-010李志強CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-011李懷德CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-012蔡章泰CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-013郭家威CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-014劉寶生CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-2219-015伍澤楓CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-220001黃銘達CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-220002趙鎮邦CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-220003葉惟敬CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-220004陳立鴻CAQ-HKSSI-SSBB-220005

This name list has been posted on CAQ website:

https://certificate.caq.org.cn/examin/nameList/detail.jhtml?nameListId=48 . . . → Read More: SSI & CAQ Mutual Professional Recognition Scheme of Black Belt


To unify Six Sigma qualifications and standards in the mainland China and Hong Kong, Chinese Association for Quality (C.A.Q.) and Six Sigma Institute (SSI) agreed Mutual Professional Recognition Scheme of Green Belt in 2011.

SSI’s RSSGB is eligible to apply CAQ’s Certified Green Belt.

Please CLICK HERE to download CAQ’s Six Sigma Green Belt Registration Application Form.

Application Flow﹕

2024年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認綠帶名單姓 名互認證書編號赵达源CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-2400015趙子斌CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-2400027李嘉淇CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-2400034程宇基CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-2400042沈思达CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-2400053 2023年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認綠帶名單姓 名互認證書編號黎鳳萍CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-230002李晨CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-230003盧雯慧CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-230004陳君俊CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-230005朱穎瑤CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-230006 2022年度中國質量協會-香港六式碼學會互認綠帶名單姓 名互認證書編號黃健CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220001周蕭CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220002侯詩軍CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220003趙文飛CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220004祁陸CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220005生世宇CAQ-HKSSI-SSGB-220006

The name list has been posted on CAQ website﹕

https://certificate.caq.org.cn/examin/nameList/detail.jhtml?nameListId=49 . . . → Read More: SSI & CAQ Mutual Professional Recognition Scheme of Green Belt

People Analytics made simple for HR, People Operations and Six Sigma Projects

Today after the outbreaks of Covid-19 pandemic, human resource (HR) leaders and operations managers are required to lead the organizations in digital transformation for business growth. According to survey of Payscale in Hong Kong, the average basic annual salary of a Analytics Manager is HK$638,713. In 2019, a study of myHRfuture revealed that 28% of respondents rated “people analytics” as the most-wanted competency.

Managers in people operations need to examine staff data and conduct simple surveys to derive insights and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives. However, they cannot solely depend on expensive consultancy or the busy in-house data analysts to perform these simple tasks for them. Managers equipped with Self-service People Analytics skills can help themselves to tackle this pain point without external assistance and within limited time and resources.  

Today after the outbreaks of Covid-19 pandemic, human resource (HR) leaders and operations managers are required to lead the organizations in digital transformation for business growth. According to survey of Payscale in Hong Kong, the average basic annual salary of a Analytics Manager is HK$638,713. In 2019, a study of myHRfuture revealed that 28% of respondents rated “people analytics” as the most-wanted competency.

Managers in people operations need to examine staff data and conduct simple surveys to derive insights and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives. However, they cannot solely depend on expensive consultancy or the busy in-house data analysts to perform these simple tasks for them. Managers equipped with Self-service People Analytics skills can help themselves to tackle this pain point without external assistance and within limited time and resources.  

. . . → Read More: People Analytics made simple for HR, People Operations and Six Sigma Projects

Free Webinar | 管理創新 - 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展(2022)

Lean Six Sigma FREE Seminar to introduce Six Sigma and Lean . . . → Read More: Free Webinar | 管理創新 – 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展


講題:精益六式碼專才的進修之路與發展前景 軟件網上參加 講者:陳旭球博士 備註:廣東話演講(輔以英語) 費用:免費