Introduction to the New Lean Management Approach




作為世界認可一流管理模式,精益管理(Lean Management)方法多年來不斷被改善,並已被不少大型企業套用以達致改善績效和滿足客戶需求。精益強調消除或減少工作流程上的未能為創造顧客價值作出貢獻的開支和浪費,把浪費最少化以達致顧客價值最大化,最新的精益改善方法能透過完善工作流程來發掘潛在產能,迅速為企業全面優化營運,為管理的發展作堅實基礎,亦能有效改善與供應商及顧客的關係。


講題:Introduction the New Lean Management Approach


  • 精益(Lean Management)簡介
  • 精益(Lean Management)之最新發展趨勢
  • 案例分享
  • 精益(Lean Management)專才的優勢
  • 精益專才的發展前景
  • 精益專才的進修途徑
  • Q & A環節


2023年 3月 18日 (星期六) 2023年 6月 24日 (星期六) 2023年 9月 23日 (星期六)


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Free Webinar | 管理創新 - 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展(2022)

講題:管理創新 – 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展

Continue reading Free Webinar | 管理創新 – 精益六式碼管理的進一步發展

Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2023

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2023

In today’s competitive world, where the ability to implement the well-proven business improvement approaches such as Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints are the keys to success, seeking professional registrations would be of paramount importance to staff from all sectors. Not only does it provide an indication that the registered individual has the knowledge and know-how to ensure success and continuous growth of an organization, it helps to foster teamwork between individuals, which ultimately benefits the company as a whole. Registration is thus an investment in your career and in the future of your employer.

Continue reading Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2023

Certified Critical Chain Project Manager

celebrating 20th anniversary of SSI – Certified Critical Chain Project Manager


The Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is an innovative approach with techniques that can dramatically improve the performance of all types of projects in companies of all sizes.

This innovative approach (The Boeing Company, Mazda, OMRON, Ricoh Company etc.) has been adopted by thousands of leading organizations, and the Japanese government decided in 2008 to use CCPM in all government construction projects (about 20,000 projects per year). They all had miraculous results.


This course will share theories and techniques to manage single projects big or small in various industries.

Facilitated by a certified CCPM expert, the workshop covers the concept, methodology, and case examples. The new techniques will be illustrated by computer simulation. The workshop covers CCPM scheduling, tracking, and project management by the CCPM software.

Continue reading Certified Critical Chain Project Manager (Single Project)



現已開始接受申請!! ~

由於目前仍未有機構能頒授國際性認可的六式碼專業資格,所有培訓機構均獨立進行資格認可。有見及此,六式碼學會中國質量協會(國家質檢總局成立的品質研究組織)合作,分別於2009年及2012年推出六式碼黑帶六式碼綠帶 互認資格計劃,加強彼此註冊人員的專業資格認受性,並將認可範圍擴展至全國及大中華地區,有助註冊人員於中港兩地發展事業。

Continue reading 2023年度六式碼學會與中國質量協會資格互認計劃