Today after the outbreaks of Covid-19 pandemic, human resource (HR) leaders and operations managers are required to lead the organizations in digital transformation for business growth. According to survey of Payscale in Hong Kong, the average basic annual salary of a Analytics Manager is HK$638,713. In 2019, a study of myHRfuture revealed that 28% of respondents rated “people analytics” as the most-wanted competency.
Managers in people operations need to examine staff data and conduct simple surveys to derive insights and align decisions with strategic corporate objectives. However, they cannot solely depend on expensive consultancy or the busy in-house data analysts to perform these simple tasks for them. Managers equipped with Self-service People Analytics skills can help themselves to tackle this pain point without external assistance and within limited time and resources.
After learned this course, participants know how to make best performance from their staff, what is going-on in the work force, how to save time and resources in recruitment and evaluating the staff performance. For this course, we integrated the DMAIC of Six Sigma with People Analytics in improving business process and avoiding operational mistakes.
Participants in this course can learn Self-Service People analytics without high level of knowledge in maths, statistics, programming and coding. This course will enable participants to get the results in a short time because the workshop delivers just enough theories but more on hands-on exercises with simple tools.
Key Features of the Program:
- 8 Hours of instructor-led both on-line and face to face classroom training (if situation allows);
- Comprehensive course materials with case studies and hands-on exercises covering all essential skills of digital transformation, digital talent, and People Analytics.
- Effective understanding and retention of the knowledge through self-assessment quizzes at the end of each meeting.
- Easy to understand with examples/cases for understanding and implementing the data analysis;
- Achievement Certificate from SSI at the end of the course (70% attendance).
Curriculum and learning outcomes from the program
Day 1 – Basic (2 hours online lecture)
- Introduction
- Why goes digital?
- What is digital Transformation?
- Stages of digital transformation
- Digital Talent concepts and applications
- Digital Talent Examples (Hong Kong and Overseas)
- What are People Analytics and importance of this skills for managers
Day 2 – Intermediate (3 hours classroom workshop )
Understand the tools for analytics: mainly Excel; and other tools for classification and prediction.
4 types of Analytics
HR Analytics Maturity Model
Cases – demonstrations – using Excel for beginners.
- Six sigma project – Improve the waiting time of patients in hospital
- HR project – staff attrition studies.
Date: 4 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 – 22:00 (Classroom)
Day 3 – Workshop (3 hours classroom workshop)
Hands on exercise, no code, no formular to using formular and Privat Tables of Excel (workbook provided)
- HR Metrics
- Waiting Time improvement
- Staff Attrition with predictive analytics
- Staff Absent
- Gender discrimination in staff selection
Date: 11 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 – 22:00 (Classroom)
Learning Outcomes
This course will enable participants to understand and implement people analytics functions in their organisations. It will also equip the participants with simple functions in Excel for analytics, practical and analytical techniques, and data-driven insights for HR leaders, Line Managers and Six Sigma Green Belts on talent management and digital transformation.
- Understand and conduct Data Analytics techniques to generate data-based decisions in managing people;
- Lead digital transformation initiatives including Digital HR adoption and best practices;
- Learn how to apply strategic frameworks and data analysis in digital talent management to manage people & resources in a post-COVID 19 business environment;
- Build hands-on experience in data analysis applications, such as, HR and Operating KPIs, business process improvement, staff attrition analysis, training evaluations and staff performance studies.
Course details
- Number of teaching hours 8 (both online and classroom meetings)
- Language: Cantonese with English (Handouts in English)
- Certificate: Achievement Certificate will be issued by SSI (with 70% attendance).
- No pre-requisites:
Target Audience
HR professionals, operation managers, administration managers, Sig Sigma Green Belts and those who would like to learn the Self-Service Analytics (People Analytics) techniques and digital transformation.
Six Sigma Institute office: 1627 Star House, Middle Block, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. **MAP**
Course Teacher
Dr. Leung was in railway companies for more than 35 years. He has a wide range of experience in staff management, railway operating, marketing, transport planning, branding, and overseas projects. Dr Leung obtained a Bachler of Commerce Degree, Master of Science (Information Management) and the Doctor of Management. He has rich experience in marketing research and business data analysis. He has been part time lecturer at the University of Hong Kong for more than 8 years. He is also the Adjunct Lecturer of the Charles Sturt University of Australia and HKU SPACE in Hong Kong. He is a Fellow of HK Quality Management. He is one of the founders and the Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Development Centre. With his knowledge in data mining and data analytics, he will share with workshop participants his experience.