Who Moved My Cheese – Competitive Edge for You and Your Company

MovedCheeseChange can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your perspective. The ‘cheese’ is what you want. To find your ‘cheese’ before it moved by another, change is needed.

During this seminar, experienced speaker will discuss right methods for you and your company to change from financial angle of view.

Date: 24 Jan 2013 (Thu)
Time: 7:00 – 8:30p.m.
Venue: Unit 1627, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui



Whether a financial enterprise or a finance team within the organization, also needs Six Sigma professionals who are taught to use data taken from all aspects and figure ways to change or improve normal practices for the better.

Financial professionals are welcome to join the seminar and know more how Six Sigma knowledge and skills are beneficial to achieving financial goals.


Highlights of Seminar

  • Six Sigma Concepts
  • Six Sigma Implementation Experience Sharing
  • Development of Six Sigma Professionals



Ms. Ann Wu
Honorable Advisor of Six Sigma Institute
Trainer & Examiner of HKIB

  • 20 years of experience in quality management positions in various multinational financial institutes, including Citigroup, Credit Suisse, GE and HSBC.
  • Quality Leader & Master Black Belt in GE and the first Black Belt to roll out Six Sigma and Process Management in HK with over USD40 million benefit track record.
  • Regional VP in Citigroup, responsible for Process Improvement & Management in 12 countries in Asia Pacific.
  • Qualified Quality Auditor in ISO9000 and CSMAS 86 and led a team to achieve the 1st CMSAS certificate for Citigroup in Asia.
  • Qualified trainer for various quality programs and taught over 500+ people in Process Management, DMAIC, DMADV, PDCA, CFPI, ISO9000 and CMSAS 86.



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