Arrangement During Adverse Weather
Classes, Seminars and Examinations will be conducted in accordance with the prescribed teaching timetable unless a local Tropical Cyclone warning signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm warning signal is in force.
Typhoons or Tropical Cyclones/Rainstorm
When typhoon/rainstorm signals are issued, the following arrangements will apply:
課程/ 考試如常進行 Course/Exam will run as scheduled. |
課程/考試取消, 有關訊號或警告除下兩小時後之課程及活動將恢復正常。 Course/Exam is cancelled; Course/Exam will resume two hours after Hong Kong Observatory lowers the signal |
服務 Services |
接待處 Counter |
課程 /考試進行中 Course/Exam Started |
課程 /考試開始前 Course/Exam Not Started |
雷暴警告 Thunderstorm Warning |
黃色暴雨警告 Amber Rainstorm Warning |
紅色暴雨警告 Red Rainstorm Warning |
3號颱風訊號 Tropical Cyclone Warning No.3 |
黑色暴雨/8號或以上颱風警告 Black Rainstorm /T8 OR above |
極端情況 Extreme Condition |
(a) 如課堂或考試尚未開始,將根據以下情況終止課堂或考試:
For classes and examinations that have not yet started, classes and examinations will be cancelled, if
Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be issued within two hours at or after the following times; or
Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is in force at or after the following times.
信號於/預定於下列時間或以後生效 Signal is / will be in force at or after the following times |
停課節數/時間 (全日課程-全日共有2節:上午及下午各1節) Sessions cancelled (There are 2 sessions for Full-day course: Morning & Afternoon session) |
上午課堂前2小時 2 hours before the Morning Session commencement time(After 7:30am) |
上午課堂及考試將會取消 Classes/examinations scheduled in the Morning Sessions will be cancelled |
下午課堂前2小時 2 hours before the Afternoon Session commencement time(After 12:00nn) |
下午課堂及考試將會取消 Classes/examinations scheduled in the Afternoon Sessions will be cancelled |
晚上課堂前2小時 2 hours before the Evening Session commencement time (After 5:00 pm) |
晚上課堂及考試將會取消 Classes/examinations scheduled in the Evening Sessions will be cancelled |
(b) 如課堂或考試已經開始,將根據以下安排:
Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is in force at or after the following times.
信號 Signals |
課堂 Classes |
考試 Examinations |
當香港天文台預告八號或更高之颱風警告信號將於兩小時內發出 When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be issued within two hours |
立即停課 Immediately cancelled |
除非考試場地對考生安全構成威脅,否則考試繼續進行直至完畢 Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates |
當香港天文台發出八號或更高之颱風警告 When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is issued |
立即停課 Immediately cancelled |
除非考試場地對考生安全構成威脅,否則考試繼續進行直至完畢 Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates |
當黑色暴雨警告信號生效時 When Black Rainstorm Warning is in force |
繼續進行 Continue |
除非考試場地對考生安全構成威脅,否則考試繼續進行直至完畢 Continue until the end of that examination session unless the examination venue is found to be of potential risk to candidates |
2. 恢復課堂及考試安排 Arrangement on Resumption of Classes / Examinations
當八號或更高之颱風警告信號或黑色暴雨警告信號於上課時間2小時前除下,該節課堂將會照常上課,本會不會另行安排補課。(全日課程 – 全日共有2節:上午及下午各1節)
If the Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered 2 hours before the class commencement time of the session, the session will be conducted as usual and no make-up lesson will be arranged. Note that there are two sessions for Full-day course (i.e. one session in the morning & one session in the afternoon.)
3. 停課及取消考試後之安排 Arrangement on Cancellation of Classes / Examinations
If classes/examinations are cancelled due to typhoon or rainstorm, Christian Action will inform the trainees about the make-up lessons/examinations arrangement as soon as possible. Please pay attention to the announcement in due course.
4. 補課安排 Make-up lesson arrangement
If the class is cancelled due to typhoon or rainstorm, Christian Action will inform the trainees of the date and arrangement of the make-up lesson as soon as possible. The attendance of the make-up lesson would also be counted and trainees cannot dispute about the make-up lesson arrangement.
5. 特別情況 Special circumstances
Christian Action would make appropriate classes / examinations arrangement in accordance with the actual situation. All arrangements are subject to final decision of Christian Action.
1.請留意香港天文台發出之最新天氣報告: http://www.hko.gov.hk
To Check the latest weather condition from Hong Kong observatory: http://www.hko.gov.hk
We will inform students about reschedule details as soon as possible.