February 7th, 2023
The Objective of the free seminar is to share and transfer knowledge regarding a new and proven breakthrough project management technique, 關鍵鏈項目管理 (CCPM).
Experience from leading companies all over the world indicates that successfully implementation of CCPM will result in enhancing the companies’ productivity and competitiveness.
Who Should Attend
Project managers, resources managers, engineers, IT Professionals. Executives responsible for projects and major tasks
日期: 15 APR 2023[星期六 ]13 MAY 2023[星期六 ]10 JUN 2023[星期六 ]
. . . → Read More: Free Webinar | The Innovative Project Management Techniques創新項目管理技術
January 23rd, 2023
實驗室的遊戲, 練習, 及模擬
該實驗室包括針對各方和戰略合作夥伴的一系列遊戲, 練習, 和模擬包。.
您可以聘請我們為您的員工舉辦培訓課程。. 或者, 如果您希望您的講師在公司內部教授多個課程, you can purchase a license that includes training from the train-the-trainer workshop, as well as all teaching aids, 練習, and appropriate answers. Interested parties please contact us for a quotation. The details are as follows:
ThemeDice Games (4 games) (3 hours)Muti-tasking Exercise (30 mins)Single Project Planning Exercise (30 Mins)Simulation Game for Comparison of Traditional PM with CCPM (2 hours)Computer Simulation of Various Project Management Scenarios (3 hours)Computer Simulation Management of CCPM Projects (3 hours)Planning of Single Projects with LYNX Software (3 hours)Work with the Client’s Management Team to Develop Strategies and Tactics for Implementing Single Projects (2 days)Group Exercise in Buffer Management Game (3 hours)Simulation Game on Multiple Projects (2 hours)Computer Simulation on Multiple Project Planning (1 hour)Project Portfolio Optimization with Client’s Data (3 hours)Project selection Exercise with Client’s Data (2 hours)Computer Simulation of Project Pipelining (2 hours)Use of LYNX Software for Planning of Muti-projects (3 hours)Work with the Client’s Management Team to Develop Strategies and Tactics for Implementing Multi-projects (2 days)Financial Budgeting Exercise (1 hour)
January 23rd, 2023
The International Project Management Institution Introduction
國際項目管理學院 (IPMI) 專注於推廣最先進的關鍵鏈項目管理方法論的理論和應用 (CCPM), 尤其是它與精益, 六式碼, 敏捷(Agile), Scrum, 和看板系統等其他技術的最新整合取得的成功。. IPMI 得到世界知名諮詢公司, 學科專家, 和組織的支持, 以分享、推廣和研究項目管理的最新和最佳實踐。.
通過推廣關鍵鏈項目管理 (CCPM) 技術的理論和應用 – 一種創新的項目管理方法, IPMI旨在促進本地公司以更少的成本和時間完成更多的項目, 從而顯著提高他們的競爭力。. IPMI 與國際知名顧問合作,提供培訓, 指導, 和諮詢服務。 . IPMI 還提供 CCPM 軟件以支持立即部署這種新方法以獲得顯著的經濟效益。.
通過推廣關鍵鏈項目管理(CCPM)技術的理論 (CCPM) 和應用 – 一種創新的項目管理方法, IPMI旨在促進本地公司以更少的成本和時間完成更多的項目, 從而顯著提高他們的競爭力。. IPMI 與國際知名顧問合作,提供培訓, 指導, 和諮詢服務。 . IPMI 還提供 CCPM 軟件以支持立即部署這種新方法以獲得顯著的經濟效益。.
在國際專家的支持下, IPMI 旨在提供最全面的項目管理方法, 包括以下領域的研究, 培訓, 指導, 和諮詢::
• 資本項目管理
• 多項目管理
• 產品開發項目管理
• 服務項目管理
• 軟件開發項目管理
• 非項目經理的項目管理
目前, IPMI 提供以下培訓課程和相關認證::
關鍵鏈項目經理認證(CCCPM) . . . → Read More: 國際項目管理學院
December 1st, 2021
「課程已被列入再工業化及科技培訓計劃下的已登記公開課程名單內。」Participants can apply for reimbursement of training grant through their company via (https://rttp.vtc.edu.hk/tc/application-and-reimbursement).Company can also apply training grant for a customised training programme for their employees.
The Objective of the three workshops is to build a critical mass of project related professionals and managers by sharing and transferring knowledge regarding a new and proven breakthrough project management technique, 關鍵鏈項目管理 (CCPM).Experience from leading companies all over the world indicates that successfully implementation of CCPM will result in enhancing the companies’ productivity and competitiveness.Using the new skill will help Hong Kong enterprises to manage their projects in a much effective way during their journey towards Industry 4.0
Who Should Attend
Project managers, resources managers, engineers for construction and engineering projects, capital works, IT projectsExecutives who are responsible for task forces, working groups and major tasks
. . . → Read More: RTTTheory and Application of the Innovative Project Management Techniques 創新項目管理技術的理論與應用
November 26th, 2021
The Innovative Project Managment – Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is the technology that has the power to improve dramatically the performance of project of all type in companies of all size.
Hundreds of organizations have implemented CCPM successfully and in particular the Japanese government announcement in 2008 that CCPM should be used on all projects henceforth (approx. 20,000 projects per year).
Facilitated by certified CCPM expert, the workshop covers the concept, methodology, case examples. The new techniques will be illustrated by computer simulation. The workshop covers CCPM scheduling, tracking and project management by the CCPM software, Lynx.
With the aim to help participating organizations apply this new technique effectively, the recommended CCPM software, LYNX will be provided for one-month trial to establish your project plan without additional fee.
. . . → Read More: Completing Project on Time and Within Budget
Upcoming Hot Courses
FEB 22 – MAR 15
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 24 JAN
MAR 11 – APR 10
7:00下午 – 10:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 11 FEB
APR 18 – APR 21
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 21 MAR
MAR 1 – APR 26
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 31 JAN
MAY 3 – JUL 19
2:00下午 – 8:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 4 APR
MAR 22 – MAR 29
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 21 FEB
APR 4 – APR 6
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 7 MAR
JUL 27 – AUG 31
9:30am – 5:00下午
FEB 23 – MAR 16
9:30am – 6:00下午
Early-bird deadline: 26 JAN