Free Webinar | 改善團隊表現, 簡單資料分析不求人Workplace performance improvement with simple DIY Data Analytics

Part I for CPD Workshop Digi-talent and People Analytics

日期:2022年8月18日 (星期四)
講題:改善團隊表現, 簡單資料分析不求人
講者:Dr. Victor Leung

日期:18 八月 2022(Thursday)
時間:1900 – 2030
項目:Workplace performance improvement with simple DIY Data Analytics
Speaker:Dr. Victor Leung
Price: Free of charge.
廣東話 (supplemented by English)

簡單資料分析是現在職場上一個十分重要工具, 管理人員要把握資料分析解決質量上嘅問題從而作出一個有數據根據決定或改善方案, 這90分鐘的在線講座, 介紹企業在進行 數位轉型(Digital Transformation) 時,開始使用新科技、新技術將原本的商業模式優化、內部作業流程的更新、組織結構的再升級以及客戶服務提供新價值的轉型上 ,透過數據分析、社群行銷、行動技術、在內在外網路上收集大量重要數據,發掘出嶄新而有用的洞悉和機會,提供超越改善方案提升服務價值。 本線上講座及工作坊將會提供參加者利用各種簡單資料分析, 如何協助企業進行提升服務價值與 品質改善,不需要求別人或顧問幫助.


1. 什麼是數字化轉型?
2. 什麼是數字化人才管理?如何讓您的員工為數字化轉型做好準備?香港和海外的例子。
3. 什麼是勞動力分析、人員分析和人力資源分析?
4. 物聯網數據用於提高運營效率和服務改進——傳統自動售貨機到智能自動售貨機的真實香港案例。
5. 九月第二部分工作坊將提供哪些內容、知識和技能。


1. What is Digital Transformation?
2. What is Digitalent? How to prepare your workforce for digital transformation? Both Hong Kong and overseas examples.
3. What are Workforce Analytics, People Analytics and HR Analytics?
4. Data from IoT for operations efficiency and service improvement – a real Hong Kong case of traditional vending machines to smart vending machines.
5. What will be the contents, knowledge and skills provided in the coming workshop(Part II).



Target Audience:

Middle Managers, HR Professionals
Newly promoted supervisor/officers
Anyone who would like to equip themselves with up-and-coming techniques, knowledge and increase their “power” meeting the coming challenges in workplace.

2022年9月7日 (星期五) 下午7時至下午10時30分

Digi-talent and People Analytics

講者簡介: Dr. Victor Leung

Dr. Leung started his career in tourism and later joined MTRC in 1978. He was Area Manager in
Operating and Commercial Manager before worked as Planning and Marketing Manager in KCRC. He was Senior Manager (Service Planning and Branding) after the merger of MTR Corporation Ltd.

He has a wide range of experience in staff management, railway operating, 市場營銷, transport planning, branding, and overseas projects. Dr Leung obtained a Bachler of Commerce Degree,Master of Science (Information Management) and the Doctor of Management. He has rich experience in teaching management subjects as part time lecturer at the University of Hong Kong.

He is also the Adjunct Lecturer of the Charles Sturt University of Australia and HKU SPACE in Hong Kong. He is a Fellow and Director of HK Quality Management. He is one of the founders and currently the Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Development Centre. With his knowledge in data-mining and data analytics, he will share with workshop participants his marketing experience and skills in marketing analytics



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