Become a Recongized Lean Professional - 精益專家


To be eligible for the Registered 精益專家RLS, applicants must complete an individual project and pass the accredited Lean Specialist 考試.  In addition,  they must pass a VIVA exam which includes a 30-minute individual project presentation and a 30-minute Q & A session.


為了邊境專業認可,並與國際通行做法使我們的專業技術職稱, the title of ‘Registered Quality Professional (精益專家), RQP(LS)’ has been changed as ‘Registered Lean Specialist, RLS’ from 15 四月 2013.

Format of VIVA exam:

  • 30 minutes’ presentation and 30 minutes’ Q & A session

Lean project assessment requirement:

  • Applicants are required to hand in the Powerpoint and data files one week before the date of presentation.
  • The full written report in Word format should be handed within 1 week after the VIVA exam
  • The individual projects should be able to make use of the practical knowledge in the 6 modules of Certified Lean Specialist Programme. The cases in the modules of Lean Leader for Manufacturing Certification Programme/Certificate in Lean Transformation can be used as reference.
  • Applicants are required to show their analysis, process problem solving techniques, sustainable result in their Lean project.
  • Able to lead the Lean improvement team, process change management, lead and conduct lean activies.
  • The benefit of the Lean project should increase operation efficiency at least 20% or reduce operation cost/resourcesof at least HK$500,000 annually, besides of hard saving, other soft-side impact, 如: brand enhancement, customer satisfaction, culture change…etc may also be considered with significant relation with the submitted Lean project.

The Lean projects may include one of the following value stream:

  • Inventory control
  • Supply chain & distribution
  • Production & operation
  • Administration functions
  • Product development
  • Project management
  • Logistic and delivery
  • Layout design/re-design


Annual Type: HK$750 per year

生活型: HK$4,500

NOTE: When the annual registration exceeds 12 months, a re-registration examination will be required, and an examination fee will be applicable.


To maintain standards of registered professionals, all registered professionals are required to complete 30 CPD credits (equivalent to 30 study hours) in every three years. CPD credits can be in a form of the following experiences:

A.  Leading 六式碼 / Lean projects

B.  Conducting Six Sigma / Lean training programmes

C.  Attending Six Sigma / Lean or related training courses, seminars or study missions

D.  參加本會在 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Scheme, or similar events organized by other renowned professional organizations such as Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter (PMIHK), etc.,

CPD Certificate will be offered for SSI Registered Professionals for free upon request, and will be issued for non SSI Registered Professionals with administration charge HK$50.

To claim your CPD credits, please complete below CPD Form and submit relevant records to us. The form can also be 按此下載.

Apply for 專業資格註冊

Please fill in the Professional Registration Form and submit relevant documents to us. If you cannot view below form, 請 按此下載 and send back the completed form to us.