經驗分享: 物聯網 (IoT) 應用於商業用途
物聯網的應用及發展已經有一段時間歷史, 物聯網 讓每個裝置或物體均配置通訊晶片, 透過基站或傳送站 把收到的數據傳送至資料處理中心或雲端進行實時數據分析並作出實時應對或所需的操作行動. 簡單來說, 物聯網 把東西 (device) 連串起來讓他們可以互聯互通與互相交換數據資料並作出所需的指令. 但如何設計及安裝一套適合商業用途的互聯網就不簡單? Dr. Leung將會透過webinar分享他的經驗 . 如何為他的客戶(自動販賣機-vending machines)從設計開始到成功安裝一套互聯網.
日期: 28 十月 2021(集)
時間: 20:30 – 22:00
授課語言: Cantonese with English Slides
SSI Registered Professionals & Students: Free
Webinar 內容: (No technical Knowledge Requirement)
- 何謂物聯網
- 項目背景
- 設計概念
- 客戶確認
- 招標過程
- 安裝過程
- 經驗傳承(Lessons Learned)
About Speaker:
Dr Victor Leung
Dr Victor Leung holds a Master Degree in Information Management and a degree of Doctor of Management. He worked and held a senior position in the transport industry for more than 35 years. Dr. Leung participated in the early stage of Smart Card (Octopus Card) development in Hong Kong. He is now the adjunct lecturer of HKU SPACE, part-time lecturer (Non-clinical) of the University of Hong Kong. He is also a part-time lecturer for HKQMA, SSI and other institutes. He owns a company providing consultancy services to clients in Hong Kong and overseas.