Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2016

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In today’s competitive world, where the ability to implement the well-proven business improvement approaches such as Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints are the keys to success, seeking professional registrations would be of paramount importance to staff from all sectors. Not only does it provide an indication that the registered individual has the knowledge and know-how to ensure success and continuous growth of an organization, it helps to foster teamwork between individuals, which ultimately benefits the company as a whole. Registration is thus an investment in your career and in the future of your employer. Continue reading Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2016

Six Sigma Institute Graduation Ceremony & Presentation Ceremony of Mutually Recognized Certificates of China Association for Quality(CAQ) 在 2014

This will be held the following time and place for the Six Sigma Institute Graduation Ceremony & Presentation Ceremony of Mutually Recognized Certificates of China Association for Quality(CAQ) 在 2014:

日期: 2nd Apr 2015(Thursday)
時間: 1900 – 2130
地址: 1/樓, Nathan Hotel, 378 Nathan Rd., KLN. (Cheers Restaurant)
Fee: 2014 CAQ Registered Professionals: HK$ 150, SSI Registered Professionals: HK$ 250, SSI Students: HK$ 300 Continue reading Six Sigma Institute Graduation Ceremony & Presentation Ceremony of Mutually Recognized Certificates of China Association for Quality(CAQ) 在 2014


服務業是現代經濟的重要組成部分,服務質量是實現服務業大發展的關鍵支撐。 2013年,我國服務業增加值比重達到46.1%,超過第二產業,成為我國經濟發展的新引擎、新動力。但是,與發達國家相比,我們仍有較大差距,服務業依然是我國經濟社會發展的“短板”,李克強總理在國務院機構職能轉變動員電視電話會議上強調“現在我們的產品供應是充足甚至有些方面是過剩的,而服務則存在短缺問題,質量也需要提高”。當前,服務質量提升已經成為服務業健康快速發展的迫切需求。 Continue reading 我國首次發布年度重點服務行業質量監測報告

Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2015

In today’s competitive world, where the ability to implement the well-proven business improvement approaches such as Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints are the keys to success, seeking professional registrations would be of paramount importance to staff from all sectors. Not only does it provide an indication that the registered individual has the knowledge and know-how to ensure success and continuous growth of an organization, it helps to foster teamwork between individuals, which ultimately benefits the company as a whole. Registration is thus an investment in your career and in the future of your employer. Continue reading Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2015



2014 年度中國質量協會質量專業人員考試定於10月25-26日(週六、日)在全國主要中心城市舉行。現將考試有關事項通知如下:
2014 年度中國質量協會質量專業人員考試包括:註冊六西格瑪綠帶註冊六西格瑪黑帶、註冊質量經理(質量經理職業資格)、註冊可靠性工程師四項。
1. 註冊六西格瑪綠帶:10 月 25 日(週六)上午 9:00-11:00
2. 註冊質量經理: 10月25日(週六)下午14:00-17:05
3. 註冊六西格瑪黑帶:10 月 26日(周日)上午 9:00-12:00
4. 註冊可靠性工程師:10月26日(周日)下午14:30-17:30

Continue reading 中國質量協會2014年度專業人員考試通知