Registration Details of Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt of China Association for Quality(CAQ) under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2015

In today’s competitive world, where the ability to implement the well-proven business improvement approaches such as Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints are the keys to success, seeking professional registrations would be of paramount importance to staff from all sectors. Not only does it provide an indication that the registered individual has the knowledge and know-how to ensure success and continuous growth of an organization, it helps to foster teamwork between individuals, which ultimately benefits the company as a whole. Registration is thus an investment in your career and in the future of your employer.

Over the years, SSI aims to recognize professional status of Six Sigma practitioners by provision of professional examination and registration, you are therefore invited to join the “Six Sigma Institute(SSI) and China Association for Quality(CAQ) Mutual Recognition Scheme” for further personal professional development. The deadlines for application of CAQ’s Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt under Mutual Recognition Scheme in 2015 are as follows:

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt: 18 Jan 2015

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt: 15 Mar 2015

To apply for CAQ’s Certified Six Sigma Green Belt / Black Belt, you are required to fulfill the academic and project requirements, the requirements can be checked from the following links to CAQ’s website:

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt: Please click here

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt: Please click here

Please follow the below steps for CAQ registration under the Mutual Recognition Scheme:

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Certified Six Sigma Black Belt
Step 1 Apply for Registered Six Sigma Green Belt Apply for Registered Six Sigma /
Lean Sigma Black Belt(Life Registration only)
Step 2 Fill in the CAQ registration form Fill in the CAQ registration form
Step 3 Submit 1 individual Green Belt project Submit 2 individual Black Belt projects
Step 4 Administration fee:HK$ 500 +
Registration fee:RMB 650/year
Administration fee:HK$ 500 +
Registration fee:RMB 700/year
Step 5 SSI Examination Board accesses the documents of CAQ registration
Step 6 Qualified applicants will be recommended to CAQ
*P.S.: Please provide us copies of all the certificates that you have mentioned in the CAQ registration form, as well as two of your current photos. The Examination Board may invite you to clarify your project(s) if such requirement is considered necessary.

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